We gather at tables in the bar at Letchworth Corner Sports and Social club on Whitethorne Lane, SG6 2DN.
You are welcome to drop in but ring in advance if you would like Anne to look out for you arriving.
Come and play Golf with the 50/9er's
We play nine holes every Wednesday morning at some of the finest Golf Clubs in the area, at discounted Green Fees to the clubs of between £12.50 and £20 depending on the venue…
Monthly - usually on a Wednesday, 7pm via Zoom
A movement for positive social change using activities to improve wellbeing such as mindfulness, gratitude diaries, identifying personal strengths, being near nature, etc.
For further…
We meet on the fourth Monday afternoon of each month at 2.30pm in the Broadway Hotel bar.
Come along for 6 rounds of light-hearted general knowledge quizzing in a friendly and non-competitive atmosphere. Novice quizzers welcome. …
We would like to welcome any current or new members who are interested in finding out about the joys of keeping chickens or other species of poultry and be part of a community that can provide advice, support and guidance.
We are planning…
The group meets monthly (except August) on the 2nd Thursday of the month in the Underwood Room, upstairs in Mrs Howard Memorial Hall, Norton Way South, SG6 1NX.
Meetings can be attended at 7pm for a 7.30pm start, and are addressed by a…
The Alternative Ramblers Group walk on the second Sunday of every month.
We aim to walk between 4 to 6 miles. We usually start our walks from a public house. Anyone wishing to have a meal after the walk can then do…
We are interested in all aspects of Ancient Egypt. Why not come and join us.
We meet on the third Thursday of the month at 7.30pm in the bar of the Broadway Hotel, SG6 3NZ.
If you are fascinated…
Architecture and design is often close to the hearts of Letchworth residents, being the world's first Garden City. This group is also interested in sculpture and various crafts and provides an opportunity for talks, discussions and visits.…
First and third Thursdays of the month, afternoons.
We meet primarily to learn watercolour painting, but we also cover acrylic painting, pebble art and much more. The workshops are relaxed and include refreshments – all for £3 per session…
This group is currently not meeting, we hope to resume in the Autumn when more help is available. If you are interested in coming to the group please let us know.
We meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month at 6.30pm in the Broadway Hotel bar.
We play on Mondays (except bank holidays), 8 pm - 10 pm at the Letchworth Sports and Tennis Club, Muddy Lane, SG6 3TB.
At the moment we have some space for new members so if you have played before and want to get back on court again…
We play mixed doubles at Fearnhill School, Icknield Way SG6 4BA.
Our games are sociable, with the emphasis on fun and we have mixed abilities.
We are currently at capacity, but do get in touch if you would…
We meet on Wednesdays, 10.30am – 12.15pm at North Herts Leisure Centre, Baldock Road SG6 2ER. This group has four courts permanently booked.
Cost - £4.35 (discounted) payable to the leisure centre – no group fees.
A group with walks of various lengths from 3 miles to 12 miles.
We walk at a moderate speed of about 2 miles an hour
New members very welcome
Julia Genders and Eileen Creak: see the Contact Details panel.…
Join us for watching, listening, identifying local birds and human chat. Wear sturdy shoes or boots. All welcome. More leaders needed.
Our next visits will be on the 16th April and 13th May 2025. details of these events will be in the…
We meet on the third Tuesday of most months at Central Methodist Church Hall, Pixmore Way SG6 3TR. All welcome – including complete beginners with two left feet!
All dances taught/called.
LALG members £4, non-members £5…
We have 4 teams of very dedicated litter pickers operating in Letchworth and Baldock and to date the teams have collected 1,688 bags of litter!
Volunteers are always welcome; equipment will be provided.
Please contact Brian (…
This group meets each month at a different local location.
Our get-togethers are monthly and usually on a Tuesday. At most of the venues you can have a full English breakfast (vegetarian option available) or just choose off the…
Howgills, South View, Letchworth, SG6 3JJ
Tuesdays and Fridays
We start at 1pm, but do come early and you will be slotted into a table as you arrive.
Beginners and improvers are always welcome – we play very friendly Rubber…
We meet on the third Thursday of the month at 7.30pm in the Broadway Hotel Bar, Broadway, Letchworth, SG6 3NZ.
Our programme is shown in Group Events. For further meeting details please contact Don.
Books are normally available…
Chess for Fun is a friendly no pressure chess group open to new members whatever level from beginners to advance. Why not come and try us for a session.
Chess is a great way to keep the brain…
We enjoy reading classic and current books aimed at children, from picture books to teen fiction. We discuss the content, writing style and format and its relevance to the period in which it was written.
See Group Events for details of the…
This is a lively and varied discussion-based group looking at all aspects of film history and contemporary cinema: directors, actors and stars, film music, ‘genres’ (e.g. documentary and film noir), international cinema, film criticism, movements…
Mrs Howard Memorial Hall, Norton Way South, SG6 1NX
The group meets weekly from September to December and January to April; it does not meet during the summer. See the Group Events window for meeting details.
We study and…
Computer Users is a self-help group for non-expert computer users who, through their individual experiences, try to solve computer issues raised by other members of the group.
Drop in for a coffee and help with all computer laptop, desktop…
Réunions les lundis soirs 19h30 à 21h30 par Zoom et en présentiel
Conversation française se poursuit les lundis soir par Zoom de 19h30 à 21h30, mais avec des réunions en présentiel de temps en temps.
We meet every Monday morning, 10am to 12 noon at the Broadway Hotel, Letchworth, SG6 3NZ.
There is no charge and all are welcome. The emphasis is on short stories and Flash fiction. We bring work and write short pieces on the day to read…
This very friendly group holds afternoon and evening meetings (see Group Events for dates and location details).
Afternoon sessions: First and third Tuesday each month, 1.30pm Broadway Hotel Bar, Broadway SG6 3NZ. We have…
The group is currently full but please contact Jenny if you would like to go on our waiting list.
We meet in the Broadway Hotel bar, Broadway SG6 3NZ
There is a 50p charge to cover the library subscription fee for collecting…
We meet on the second Monday of the month at 2pm in the Premier Inn, Letchworth.
We are a sociable group who meet on Thursday afternoons for general conversation in the French language.
We meet at Dimples café, Par 3 Golf Course, Willian Way SG6 2HJ.
Please email or text in advance.…
Join our monthly lunchtime get-togethers, at the Broadway Hotel, Broadway SG6 3NZ, where group members have an opportunity to share ideas and the latest news on actions that will help Letchworth to reduce its carbon footprint.
Are you thinking of having a clear-out and you need some moral support? Or perhaps you’re looking to swap tips on where to sell or recycle your old “treasure”.
We are building up a list of useful links to share and usually meet the last…
First Wednesday of the month, 10:30am
Come and share your thoughts on the arts, politics, weather, travel, sports, or anything else of interest. Join our small group of (more or less) Dutch Speakers.
A great way to start the day.
Meet at Letchworth’s first roundabout on Broadway at 7am (unless otherwise indicated).
Open to all LALG members, walkers and non-walkers. Well behaved dogs welcome.
We go whatever the weather,…
Beginners welcome. A relaxed group, usually cycling 5 to 15 miles on quieter roads and tracks. Rides usually have 3-6 people and start at Par 3 Golf or The Platform Pub Letchworth GC on first Saturday and third Friday of the month All…
Our next meeting is now planned for April – see the April/May edition of the newsletter and posters around the local area. Please contact us with your ideas for topics to discuss, talks you could give, or speakers you would like us to book. We…
The first Thursday of every month at Fairfield Bowls Club, Kingsley Avenue, Fairfield Park, Stotfold, SG5 4GY. We are a warm and friendly group which also organises some social events. The group is currently full…
This is a fast 1-hour walk (4 miles per hour), starting at Norton Common, Letchworth. We meet every Wednesday at the bowling green car park (off Icknield Way) at 8.20am.
Contact Jan Gates on 07888 695215 or…
The group meets regularly in a member’s house to discuss a film, generally available online or in cinemas.
Sorry, we are currently full, but please ask the group contact to go on the waiting list (and/or see the New Ideas section listing…
We meet monthly to sample real ales and to put world affairs into a personal perspective, viewed through a pint glass.
New members welcome
See Group Events for dates of future meetings and the venue.
Our normal routine…
We meet every 2 weeks on Monday afternoons at The Cloisters, 36 Barrington Road, Letchworth, SG6 3TH.
We are a very enthusiastic group who enjoy making pretty arrangements. Our skills vary considerably from complete novices to almost…
Talk it, learn it, eat it. Share knowledge, opinions, likes and dislikes about food. Be surprised by blind tastings, share recipes, discover kitchen tricks.
We meet in Members’ houses: we chat a lot, we talk food a…
We meet at the Methodist Church Hall, North Avenue SG6 1DH
Parking at front; entry on the righthand side of the building.
We meet at 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start. £4 – card only; no cash.
Our club is very welcoming…
We now meet at the Grange Community Centre Café, Middlefields, Letchworth SG6 4NG on Wednesdays at 10.30am.
All members are welcome to drop in and may bring their own games. Parking is available nearby.
We are a social cycling group and we ride on the third Thursday of every month. We cycle in North Hertfordshire, Central Bedfordshire and occasionally into Cambridgeshire. The distance covered is anything up to 30 miles. Our group is…
No dates or events have yet been agreed for our February and March meetings. Please get in touch with the group contact if you wish to know more details. In April, we will begin our visits to members’ gardens. We also visit Open Gardens and other…
We are a group of enthusiastic gardeners who visit each other's gardens and exchange information over coffee. The only criterion for membership is to have your own garden.
If lucky with the weather we often sit in the garden…
Future dates to be confirmed.
We are keen gardeners who enjoy socialising together, taking turns to host visits to all our gardens, and swapping plants, information and ideas.
We have recently enjoyed our…
We are a friendly group of enthusiastic gardeners. We enjoy meeting up and we take turns to host meetings in our own gardens over the summer months. We tend to meet at local gardens or garden centres over the winter. We share plant knowledge and…
Welcome to the fourth gardening group. We meet every Wednesday in the warmer months to enjoy our gardens and chat over a cup of tea or coffee. We have trips/garden centre visits in the cooler months. We are a very sociable group with a mix of…
Geology studies the processes that have shaped the earth over its 4,500 million year history; concerned with solid earth, the rocks of which it is composed, and the processes by which they change.
We organise talks, visits and…
We meet at Mrs Howard Memorial Hall, Norton Way South, Letchworth SG6 1NX to discuss Orwell's works.
All welcome. There is a small charge towards room hire.
We meet weekly on Wednesday afternoons at a local café. The group is thriving but new members are always very welcome, particularly native speakers.
In-person meetings are held in members’ homes on Tuesday afternoons/evenings in alternate weeks and on alternate Tuesday evenings on Zoom.
Everyday conversation with opportunity for items of special interest. There is no formal tuition,…
All are welcome to join this friendly group. Open to everyone, beginners to experienced artists
We meet at Letchworth Settlement, Nevells Road, SG6 4UB, on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9.30am to 12.30pm
There is a small weekly…
This group organises guided walks around some of our nearby villages and small towns.
We hope to meet again in Spring 2025; to be added to our mailing list, please contact villagewalks…
We are playing mixed doubles tennis, intermediate level, at Letchworth Tennis Club, Muddy Lane SG6 3TB, during the winter months, probably on a Wednesday evening.
For now, we plan to limit numbers each week to 4 and play for 1 hour at £8…
We are a small group and we really enjoy our time together.
Please contact Veronica (the Group Contact) for information about our meetings.
The group is currently full.
We meet on Thursdays at 10:30am, see…
The Broadway Gallery (above Wetherspoons), 2 The Arcade, Leys Avenue, Letchworth SG6 3EW
Meetings include a book-swap and general discussion of Irish literature. No need to book, just turn up.
We usually meet on Friday evenings via Zoom, starting at 7.30pm and finishing at 9.30pm. We also try to meet on the second Tuesday morning of the month in local cafés.
Alan Fraser…
We are experimenting with meeting every Monday at No. 12 café, Leys Avenue, Letchworth, SG6 3EU, 2.30pm.
See the Group Events panel for specific dates.
Incontriamo ogni altro lunedì pomeriggio alle 2.30. Siamo un…
For information about future meetings, please do get in touch.
The group is now full.
This very friendly group of knitters (and some who do crochet) meet at the Broadway Hotel on alternate Mondays at 2pm. You are welcome to bring along your own project or support projects that we are working on.
Please see events for…
Alternate Monday evenings, 8pm via Zoom
To confirm planned dates please contact Carl.
For those with some knowledge of Latin.
More details available from the Group Contact.
We have changed the way we meet to a less regular pattern. Members will get together as and when necessary, to discuss progress on our current project, cataloguing the Clutterbuck collection of glass negatives of early Letchworth.
We will next meet in Spring 2025 at the Broadway Hotel bar for help with smartphones, social media, online banking, etc. Booking essential.
Scroll down for some useful articles related to living in an online world.…
We travel to places of interest in London, usually by train and tube. Tickets usually cover the cost of entry and a guide, if applicable; so transport and refreshments are extra.
We are planning a full programme for next year. So…
Rosemary Read is the new Group Contact.
We are planning two walks for 2025, in May and August/September. Details will be publicised as soon as they are available.
We enjoy a fairly full day's walking, generally taking food and drink with us.
There is no walks scheduled in December and January.
We are looking for more walk leaders; please contact Mia to find out more.
We go to a different local pub or restaurant for lunch on the second Thursday each month.
Email Sally Cannon for details of where we are meeting, and to join the group.
Dates for 2025
13th February The…
We meet at Letchworth Tennis Club, Muddy Lane, SG6 3TB on Wednesdays at 2pm. We regularly play on 3 tables with 12+ players, of mixed ability. New players always welcome, beginners as well as experienced players.
If you are interested in…
We meet every two months to sample a wide range of whiskies from around the world. You may not like every one, however there is no better way to sample, discuss and enjoy this amazing drink and have a good laugh with a bunch of like…
We meet on alternate Wednesdays, 10.30am at Dimples café, Par 3 Family Golf Centre, Willian Way.
We meet for a coffee/tea and a chat at Hitchin Garden Centre, Cambridge Road, Hitchin SG4 0JT. For details, please contact Maureen.
Currently full
We are a lively and growing Coffee group and are open to new members. No commitment is required to attend every session. Pop in when you are at a loose end. Please contact Nayier if you would like to join.
We meet at 2pm at David's…
We meet every Wednesday, 10.30-12.30 at the Grange Community Centre Café, Middlefields SG6 4NG.
We meet at Dimples cafe at the Letchworth Par 3 Family Golf Centre on Willian Way SG6 2H. We now meet on the second and fourth Thursday of each month with some variation during public holidays.
This pleasant café overlooks green and leafy…
We meet once a month on different days of the week. Our walks are about 4 miles in length, within a radius of 10 miles from Letchworth, and with an optional pub lunch at the end.
See the Group Events panel for details, dates and…
There is no walk scheduled for February.
We usually meet during the second or third week of the month, on varying weekdays. Our walks are normally within a 20 mile radius of Letchworth and up to 10 - 12 miles. Typically…
We meet on Mondays, 9am to 12 noon at Letchworth Corner Sports Club, Whitethorn Lane SG6 2DN
The cost of the room is shared by the group.
Each term we choose a selection of subjects to paint.
If you are interested, you…
We travel together by train, have lunch and see matinee performances on Wednesdays at the National Theatre or the Old Vic, and maybe in the future, at The Royal Albert Hall.
Bookings are currently being taken for 3 shows shown in Group…
Ideas for new groups are popping up all the time. You will see them in the newsletter, on social media and listed below.
Some groups will disappear because they have become a…
We meet for a hot or cold drink in the Broadway Hotel bar; a chance for new members to meet each other and find out what LALG has to offer.
No need to book, just turn up, but if you would like Mandy or Jackie to look out for you arriving,…
Come along and find out how to walk the nordic way and get the most from your walks.
Taster sessions are available for those considering taking up this form of walking.
Nordic walking is a whole body exercise that harnesses the…
These are one-off events for all LALG members - the activities don't belong to any individual Group.
See links for details in the 'Group Events' panel.
Letchworth Settlement, Nevells Road, SG4UB
We meet monthly so you can catch up with fellow members and visitors over a drink, then listen to one or two speakers.
The first speaker, usually from a local organisation or a…
This group seeks to arrange occasional special opera or ballet events. Details will be provided in the newsletter at the time.
Should you wish to receive early information, or any articles of interest relating to opera or ballet, or…
Friday mornings at 10.15am at the Par 3 Golf Centre, Willian Way, Letchworth. Nine holes over 709 yards, ranging in length from 53 yards to 104 yards with a clubhouse, serving light refreshments. …
Informal gatherings to patchwork together and swap tips. Plus of course a bit of chat!
We meet on the first Thursday of the month, see Group Events.
For the venue, please contact the Group Contact.
For more information…
We play at the Par 3 Golf Centre, Willian Way, Letchworth, SG6 2HJ.
Wednesdays, 2pm-3pm. There are three lanes so up to 18 people playing at the same time. On average, 14-16 people play each week.
Our fees are now £3.…
Third Monday of the month, 7.30pm at Mrs Howard Memorial Hall, Norton Way South SG6 1NX.
We are a lively and welcoming group that meet monthly. What makes this group so vibrant? Well we are led by our chair – who tries her…
We are a small group of hobby photographers who enjoy a social outing with our digital cameras.
Members take it in turns to organise a monthly photoshoot, usually on a weekday morning. We then review some of our…
Our photography group meets once a month (usually at a weekend) to take photos at a variety of locations – photo shoots are followed by a social meeting a couple of weeks later to share the results.
Dates may be subject to alteration (…
We now meet every Tuesday at the outdoor tennis courts at Norton Common. New members very welcome.
We have two spare padder bats that any newcomers may borrow - please come suitably dressed for an outdoor activity. The courts are free so there…
This is a relatively new group with about a dozen members so far - more will always be welcome!
We meet from 2pm to 4pm on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month at the bar of the Broadway Hotel, Broadway, SG6 3NZ. See Group…
We meet on the third Monday of the month in a member’s house in Letchworth to read plays loaned from Hertfordshire Performing Arts Library.
We are currently full.
We meet at 10am in the Broadway Hotel Bar, Broadway, SG6 3NZ on the second Wednesday of every month, except for August.
We read the same plays as Play Reading Group 1.
One or two new members would be welcomed
Third Thursday of the month, 3pm
Poetry in the Afternoon is a small group of poetry lovers who meet at each other's homes. Each member reads 2 or 3 published poems relating to a theme decided at the previous meeting. After…
We meet once a month at Mrs Howard Memorial Hall, Norton Way South SG6 1NX. There is a small charge (£4 cash) to cover the room hire costs and tea/coffee.
Subjects are agreed with…
Please let Andrew know if you hear of any quizzes that you would like to join.
In the meantime, take a look at LALG's regular Monthly Quizzes.
Meeting at Mrs Howard Memorial Hall, Norton Way South SG6 1NX.
Our group is full but do get in touch to be added to our waiting list.
We enjoy making music together and having a chat afterwards. Some experience of recorder-playing and/or reading music would be useful.
We play at the Central Methodist Church, 109 Pixmore Way, Letchworth, SG6 3TR every Wednesday from…
A fun and sociable table-game, with an addictive mix of skill & luck.
We meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9.50am - 12 noon at The Broadway Hotel, Letchworth, SG6 3NZ.
New members are very welcome - come along…
10am for 10.30 start
We have coffee in the café at Letchworth Sports and Tennis Club, Muddy Lane SG6 3TB. There are Rummikub sets at the coffee bar: if the group contact is unavoidably absent, just ask for the sets and you can play.
Thursdays, 3.30pm to 5pm via Zoom
We try to resurrect oral and aural skills for part of the session. We also translate items, sometimes news downloaded from Правда, Известя, Би-Би-Си etc, but more often short stories.…
We agree at our meetings which popular science books we would like to read, trying to get a balance between the various science disciplines. You don't have to be a scientist to come along, or even to have read the book, just be interested in…
We usually meet on alternate Wednesdays, in the restaurant area of the Premier Inn, Station Road SG6 3BQ. Everyone welcome.
If you haven't played with us before, please check with Eileen that the meeting is going ahead as planned.
We support each other in our attempts to adopt a healthier lifestyle. We share ideas and recipes. Our emphasis is on being responsible for ourselves, so no weighing-in or telling off!
The group is currently full, but if you would like to…
We meet at Letchworth Corner Sports Club, Whitethorn Lane SG6 2DN, where we are able to take along our sewing machines, sew and chat. Between us our…
We meet at the Broadway Hotel, Broadway, SG6 3NZ, on the first Wednesday of each month 10.30am until 12.30pm.
We are a friendly informal group who are interested in learning more about the works of William Shakespeare. Each month we choose…
Indoor courts, Letchworth Sports and Tennis Club, Muddy Lane SG6 3TB. 10:30am - 11:30pm
New members welcome!
The emphasis on fun with mixed abilities. Short tennis is played in doubles on a smaller court with a soft ball. It is…
We meet at Letchworth’s first roundabout on Broadway and enjoy a maximum 2-mile walk with an optional coffee shop stop. If you would like to know of future walks or suggest routes, mileage or day/time, please get in touch.
Acting Group…
We meet every other week to learn British Sign Language signs, led by Debbie.
The group is very casual and will be happy to have new members any time - hearing and hard of hearing are all welcome. Feel free to get in touch for more…
We meet 7pm to 8.30pm on the 2nd Thursday of each month in the Small Hall (sometimes known as the upper hall) at St Pauls Church, 179 Pixmore Way, Letchworth, SG6 1QT. We can park in the church car park.
We recommend The Book of…
This friendly informal group is open to anyone who enjoys or would like to try drawing in a rural setting. You will be very welcome to join this informal group, no need to book, just bring your own drawing materials and a chair.
Our easy-paced walks are led by volunteer walk leaders and are in the region of 3 to 4 miles on mostly level ground normally avoiding stiles. We walk monthly, alternating the days from Monday one month through to Friday the following months…
We meet every two weeks at local venues. There is a fee payable to play snooker or pool. Snooker cues are available to borrow.
If you would like to participate let Steve know by the Tuesday beforehand for details of the venue. All welcome…
Sunday mornings every other week - see Group Events
These are leisurely rides around 18 - 28 miles on alternate Sundays on quiet roads or off-road tracks. We will always have a coffee stop with time to chat either at the…
For anyone interested in drama. Local performances and further afield in London, Cambridge, etc. Established plays and new ones using trains and car sharing.
We have reserved 12 seats for new play Retrograde, which transfers from a ‘sold…
We meet at 7.30pm on Thursdays at the Orange Tree Pub, Norton Road, Baldock, SG7 5AW.…
Speak Spanish 10am to 12 pm Broadway Hotel, Letchworth Tuesday weekly ... come and enjoy speaking Spanish, improving your vocabulary and grammar, whatever your level. Discussing cultural themes, holidays, current hot topics and have fun while you…
We meet at venues that offer a traditional roast and vegetarian and vegan options. This group is looking for a new Group Contact to help it continue. Please get in touch for details: Acting Group Contact: Jackie 07970…
We are a friendly group who enjoy rambles on the first Sunday of the month. We usually walk between 7 and 10 miles and take a packed lunch to eat
Every Tuesday, 11am -12:30pm (except in school holidays) at Letchworth Sports and Tennis Club, Muddy Lane SG6 3TB.
The cost is £4 per session to hire the indoor court and pay for the T/T balls. We use 5 tables. There is a café in the…
Thursdays, 7.30-9.30pm
We play on up to four tables at the Central Methodist Church Hall, Pixmore Way so 16 could play at the same time.
New members are very welcome! If you're thinking of joining us for…
We meet at the London Road Studios Unit 13 in Baldock SG7 6NG provisionally on a Wednesday evening from 7-9pm. The day depends on room availability.
Sessions are fun. Taiko is a Japanese performance art. It's a mix of drumming, movement…
The Textile Art group are a friendly creative bunch that meet up every month to take part in a textile workshop. During the past few years, techniques we have covered include natural dyeing, marbling on fabric, hand embroidery, Sashiko stitch,…
We share ideas regarding all elements of textiles and meet at one of our members’ homes.
The group is currently full but if you fancy joining us, please contact Linda to join our waiting list.
This group specialises in organising trips to the theatre. Prices included good seats and travel by coach from Letchworth. It has also arranged visits to places of historic interest, major sporting events,…
The Trail Walkers group aims to walk long distance trails broken down into moderate sections.
We are currently walking the Icknield Way Path which runs from Ivinghoe Beacon to Knettishall Heath.
We meet on the first Thursday of the month to book a trip on a Thursday at the end of the subsequent month making use of reduced rail fares for Advance tickets and/or a group/railcard reduction, but when these are not available for our chosen…
Since September 2023 this returning group has been meeting at Jackmans Community Centre, Ivel Court, Jackmans Estate, SG6 2NL
See Group Events for details of future meetings.
If you know of a speaker or have experience – or a…
We are planning trips to events and places of interest both near and far. For local trips we will travel by car, and for those further afield by train.
We will look at trips to cities, towns and villages;…
Our venue is: St Pauls Church Hall, 179 Pixmore Way, Letchworth Garden City, SG6 1QT.
We meet 1pm and play for about 2 hours every Thursday.
There is a short break for a cuppa and a chat. We…
We read a section of James Joyce’s famous novel and then meet once a month to discuss – in a relaxed informal way – what we have read. We aim to read the novel over seven or eight sessions, finishing by May.
We also arrange additional…
Welcome to the Vegetarian and Vegan Group! New members are most welcome.
We try to meet once a month,…
We are a non-religious group that is interested in churches and other places of worship – their architecture, monuments, art and history – and the people who have been associated with them over the years.
We arrange guided tours of…
The group visits towns and cities in England. We usually travel by rail and stay one or two nights.
We are hoping to revive this group if a new Group Contact comes forward.
Members contact each other for ad-hoc walks and also arrange group walks. Meet for coffee, usually monthly, to talk about walks past and future. New members are…
Do you record local weather statistics? If so, you would be welcome to join our small group. Please get in touch; see the Contact Details panel.
We do not walk fast or far, no more than 3 miles. Walks are followed by coffee. If wet, more coffee, less walk!
No booking required; everyone welcome. If unsure on where to meet, please get in touch. Suggestions for new starting locations…
We meet weekly on Monday afternoon at the Premier Inn, Station Road SG6 3BQ. For details see Group Events. We all contribute to a small kitty which pays out to the winner of the session.
Please get in touch if you are interested in joining…
We make monthly wildflower trips.
All welcome! Please get in touch for more details.
We had our annual planning evening recently and the proposals for 2025 are outlined below.
Another trip to Coetmor Mill in Bethesda is favoured, possibly during April.
One member of the group would like to do a nostalgic trail walk…
We normally meet on the first Friday of each month in the Brunt Room at the Settlement, but there will not be a meeting in August. The Group's Summer Garden Party will be held in July - details to be announced.
We have a…
Monthly wine tastings for those interested in discovering more about wines from around the world. Two Members take it in turn to present 6 wines, usually a mixture of sparkling white, white, red and occasionally a dessert wine. …
Wine Group Three is a sociable group of amateur wine enthusiasts who enjoy tasting wines in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. Each month two of our members choose a theme and share their selection of wines with the group. The group meets at…
This group meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at the Broadway Gallery, 2 The Arcade, Letchworth SG6 2ES, (above Wetherspoons)).
We focus on fiction from around the world, selecting works for which there is also a film whenever…
We meet monthly at Mrs Howard Hall to discuss the basics of the major religions including Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Judaism. All welcome. Small charge to cover room hire.
We meet at a coffee shop every Monday 8.30-10am and on one Saturday a month for a longer session.
We all work on our own work-in-progress for half an hour or hour at a time. In between we chat and drink coffee. No reading aloud; just time…
We meet on the first Tuesday of each month, via Zoom. Zoom details will be emailed a few days before the meeting.
We are a friendly and varied group. We write 2 or 3 pages in advance, which can be inspired by our…