The Basics
- Send your entry to by the 10th day of the month before. Earlier is very much appreciated. Remember to send January’s entries by 10 November for the combined Christmas/New Year edition. Easter might make a difference too.
- Put the name of the LALG group or event in the subject line of your email.
- Paste your entry as Plain Text into your email. If you don’t know how to, then send an attachment in Word only.
Set the text out as follows:
Group nameDay date month, time (double check you have the right day/date)Details of meeting/ event or activityGroup Contact details, if new or changed from last month - Keep it simple, forward-looking and as brief as possible. The editor will edit your text to fit the space available. Email any additional details to for inclusion on your group’s webpage.
- If your group is full, say so and the editor will add a Full sticker.
- Double check that the day and date in your entry are correct.
- Put hyphens in compound words such as ‘4-mile’, ‘non-member’
- Try to use the correct accents … e.g. café or Béla Bartók
- Express dates: Monday 1 January, 8am (not 8.00am on Monday 1st January).
- Avoid using abbreviations where possible (eg. & etc.)
Special entries
If you are sending something unexpected, larger than usual, or more complex, contact the editor by the 5th of the previous month at the very latest with a clear idea of how much space you will need. Smaller entries stand a greater chance of being fitted in.
If you send a photo, make sure you have the express permission of everyone pictured.
If you send an icon, logo or picture, make sure you are not breaking copyright law.
If you send a feature or story, use plain language and simple sentence structures. Do not exceed 450 words – fewer if you include a picture(s). And please remember that there is no guarantee that we can run your entry in any particular month.
The space in the newsletter is limited and so the editor may need to decline an entry or reduce it to fit.
Contact: Email and allow up to three working days to hear back before sending a reminder.