There are many teams of volunteers that help to keep LALG running. They all report back to the LALG Committee and usually have a Committee member as part of each team.
- Group Support Team - helps to form new groups and supports groups that are struggling
- Membership Team - administers the membership system and handles membership enquiries
- Newsletter Team - produces the regular newsletter. There are also a number of proof readers who support the Newsletter Team.
- Publicity Team - handles LALG's publicity
- Social/Events Team - organises LALG’s monthly open meetings, centrally organised events such as talks and quizzes and other occasional one off social events
- Website Editors Team - updates and maintains the information on the website
- Website Technical Team - develops and maintains all technical aspects of the website and mail system
- IT Team - brings together teams that use IT services and teams that provide them. Keeps a watching brief on IT issues and makes recommendations to the LALG Committee.
Not to forget the biggest "team" of all, the Group Contacts who run the activity groups.
The teams are always looking for people to help, and given the variety of jobs they do, you can usually find a team that would value your skills. If you could to help, please click Contact LALG in the bar below.