There are a number of LALG cycling groups, completing many different types of rides so this guidance may need adapting to suit particular rides / situations.
It is important that all cyclists, for the safety of themselves and others, are familiar with the Highway Code. The pages relevant are the ‘Rules for Cyclists’, pages 59 - 82. recently published an informative article on the hierarchy of road users and the responsibilities of drivers, cyclists, pedestrians and horse riders.
• It is the responsibility of all cyclists to prepare themselves for the ride that they are undertaking - including personal fitness, equipment, clothing and suitable refreshments.
• All cyclists are responsible to make sure their bike is roadworthy - to inspect their bike prior to each ride paying particular attention to brakes, frame, steering, pedals, wheels, lights & tyres.
• All cyclists should carry a method of tyre inflation, a spare inner tube, a multi-tyre changing tool and it is advisable to wear an approved safety helmet.
• If the cyclist is unsure of his / her capabilities to complete the ride, or has any other concerns, it is their responsibility to contact the ride leader prior to the day of the ride.
• All cyclists are expected to stay as a group, to warn others of approaching vehicles and hazards using known calls and be considerate to others within and outside the group.
• At the completion of the ride, riders should raise any issues, concerns and, just as important, aspects of the ride that went well. Riders should bring to the attention of the leader any accidents and near misses, if this hasn’t been done during the ride.
Ride Leaders
It is the responsibility of ride leaders to:
Before the ride:
• Plan the route to suit the particular cycling group and to investigate the length, timing, terrain and possible obstacles.
• Provide the ‘Group Contact’ with details of the ride for publication in the newsletter.
At the start of the ride:
• Clarify the ride leader & any other rider with specific responsibilities (ie tail).
• Provide an overview of the route, stopping points, duration & distance - including any known route hazards.
• Any new rider should be introduced to the ride leader & consideration should be given to allocating a chaperone / mentor for the ride.
• A reminder of the standard hand signals & calls used within the group.
• Count the group and signal the start of the ride.
During the ride:
• Ride at a speed at which you and the group are competent / confident.
• Should the need to stop arise (e.g puncture, breakdown) then a place must be found sufficiently off road to allow safe passage of traffic.
• Assess the problem & decide whether to hold up the ride or leave the affected rider with helpers and details of the route to the next stop.
• Concentrate at all times & anticipate changing road conditions.
• Stop at convenient intervals to allow for refreshments and to check the welfare of all
At the end of the ride:
• Conduct a debrief where riders should be encouraged to raise any issues, concerns and, just as important, aspects of the ride that went well.
• Report all incidents to the LALG Secretary ( as soon as possible using the Incident Report form on the web site.
Further information
• In order to be covered by LALG insurance rides should be recognised as official LALG events - they should be advertised in the regular LALG newsletter, organised by or with the agreement of the group contact and participants should all be current members.
• Any non LALG members participating on the ride should be encouraged to join.
Further reference / guidance click on: - the-m-check-for-your-bike-in-11-steps
Steve Green July 2018