Registering will allow you for example; to join and pay for your membership online, book events online and subscribe to groups.
If you are already a member of LALG, registering will allow you to update and edit your membership details, renew your membership and book our member only activities.
Click the red play button to watch the video or follow the step by step instructions below.
Select the "Login Register" option from the blue menu bar near the top of the screen.
Click the "Create new account" button at the bottom of the screen.
Fill in the form as follows:
Enter your email address NB If you are an existing member use the email displayed on your membership card.
Enter a username which must be unique. (e.g. use your name or initials, and if that is already taken try variations)
Enter your First name NB existing users use the name displayed on your membership card
Enter your Last name
Enter your Postcode
Tick the "I'm not a robot" box, and if prompted answer any subsequent questions
Press the "Create new account" button
The system will then verify your email account by sending you an email with a link to login.
When the email arrives you should follow the instructions and click on the link within 24 hours to complete the registration process and set the password you want to use. Once you have set a password you will be redirected to your "My Profile" page, this is where you will land after every successful login.
TIP - when you are logged in Welcome (your first name) will appear on the top right of the website. Clicking on this Welcome link will take you to your MyProfile page.
To log out click on the Log out link under the welcome message.
To log in again
Click login on the top right of the web page (or select the "Login Register" option from the blue menu bar near the top of the screen).
To renew your membership online, you need to be registered and logged into the site.
Click the red play button to watch the video or follow the step by step instructions below.
Top Right section of our website will display login if you are not currently logged in. Click on the link.
Login or Create new Account (if you haven't previously registered)
When you are logged in and in the renewal period, the Top Right section will display "Welcome your name" and a renew link. (If renew is not displayed, contact
Click Renew.
Review your membership form and amend if necessary
Under Member Details, Select “Membership” (for membership with an online version of the newsletter)
Or “Membership with Printed Newsletter” (for membership with a printed copy of the newsletter).
If you would like to receive notification by email of when the newsletter is online as well, tick the second mailing option to receive notification when the Newsletter is online.
Agree our household terms by ticking the box.
Click Next
Please add additional adult members of your household so that they can have their own membership card, useful for receiving discounts.
Click Next
Enter your card details and postcode.
Press “Submit”
Your bank may ask you to confirm the payment, please follow their instructions.
These steps apply to people who have registered and created an account.
First check that you are not already logged in. If you are logged in Welcome (your first name) will be displayed at the top right of every LALG web page.
To log in:
Click the login link top right of the webpage or select the "Login Register" option from the blue menu bar near the top of the screen.
Enter your username or your email address.
Enter your password.
Click Log in button.
The system will then verify your password and, if correct, log you in. If for any reason the password is not recognised you may request a new password (click Forgot Password?)
If the login was successful you will be redirected to your "My Profile" personalised landing page where your membership data any subscribed pages and booked events will be shown. You should also notice that "Login Register" has now changed to "My LALG" and there is a Welcome (first name) message in the top right hand corner of the website.
To log out click Log out below the Welome (first name) message or select the "Logout" option from the "My LALG" menu.
Whenever you successfully login to the system, Welcome (your first name) is displayed at the top right of every LALG webpage. Clicking on "welcome" will take you to your My Profile page. You can also always find your "My Profile" page under the "My LALG" menu.
Your My Profile page displays the following information:
Your registration information is shown, along with a link to edit the details.
If you are already a Member on the system and this was recognised when you set up your user, the system will show you the details of your membership, with a link to update your details should you wish to do so. It will also list the members of your household.
If you have subscribed to any groups (via the subscription link on each group page) recent material for that group will be shown on your profile.
If you have booked any events, they will be listed.
If you have been recognised as a member your membership details will be displayed.
NB If you are a member but your details are now showing on your My Profile page, contact with your details and ask the membership team to merge your records.
First make sure you are Registered and logged on to the site.
Click the red play button to watch the video or follow the step by step instructions below.
Click onto the Welcome (first name) link to open your My Profile page.
Under the Membership section there is a Join LALG link
IF you are already a member of LALG your membership and Household information should be displayed, HOWEVER if they aren’t please email the membership Team with your name and membership number and they will investigate and resolve the error.
To join - click the Join LALG link which will take you to the online form.
The Personal Details section already shows your name and email details. Please add your phone number, year of birth.
Household Details, add your address details
Under Membership Details -
select “Membership” (for membership with an online version of the newsletter)
or “Membership with Printed Newsletter” (for membership with a printed copy of the newsletter).
Select your Mailing options and agree our terms
Click Next
You can add additional adult members of your household if you wish. They will then also receive a membership card.
Click Next
Fill in your payment info
Click submit, your card provider may require additional security checks. A thank you page will be displayed. You are now an LALG member.
Click on the Welcome firstname link again to view your MyProfile page where your Membership details will be displayed.
You will need to be registered and logged on to the website.
To check that you are logged into the website look for the Welcome (your first name) in the top right of your screen.
Subscribing just means that you have an interest in a group, it does not mean that you are a member of the group.
Click the red play button to watch the video or follow the step by step instructions below.
Visit the group page you are interested in via the groups menu. There are several ways to find a group.
Group Search – quick if you know the name of the group or want to look a type say walking
Group Contacts – an alphabetical list of groups with the contact details
Group Links – lists all the groups
On the group page there is information about the group, and under Group Membership: Subscribe to group.
Click subscribe to group button, to confirm.
Now I have subscribed to the group and the words under Group Membership changes to Unsubscribe from group.
Check your My Profile page by clicking on the Welcome link.
My subscribed group is now displayed on the page. Underneath are recent information about my group which is a quick way of finding out what is happening.
You may view and change details of your personal information and that of your household. Any registered member of a household may do this. Please follow the steps below:
Log into your account – you should then see your account details
Select “Edit Personal Details”
Your Personal and membership details should then appear. If you want to change any of these then you can edit the relevant piece of information.
To add an additional household member, scroll to the bottom of the page and select Next
Click on the small arrow ► next to Additional Household Member to view/add additional adult members.
Fill in the details for the new household member.
Select “Submit”
The new household member should receive their membership card in the post within the next week.
Log into your account – you should then see your account details. If you don't contact
Select “Edit Personal Details”
Your personal and membership details should then appear.
Underneath your Membership Details tick the box next to “Replacement Request”
Do the same for any members of your household who require a replacement card.
If you have registered an email address with us then you will receive an automated email advising you that your request has been submitted. Your card should arrive in the post within the next week.
LALG group members can now update their own page on the website. This will allow them to add events and articles as well as change the text on the group page.
Register and log on to the site if you have not done so already. When you are logged in, Welcome (firstname) will appear on the top right of the webpage.
Navigate to your group page and subscribe.
Ask your Group Contact to set you up as a Content Editor OR contact the website editors by emailing Make sure you include the name of the group or groups you wish to edit. (e.g. I would like to update my group – Test Group) The website editors will contact you when everything is set up.
When everything is set up, your new role will be displayed on your My Profile page. To view your My Profile page click on Welcome (firstname) or via the My LALG menu.
Group Contacts logged onto the website can view the subscribers to the group and assign group roles. This includes for example, making themselves or other subscribers a Content Editor.
Click the red play button to watch the video or follow the step by step instructions below.
Login to the website and go to your My Profile page by clicking on the Welcome link.
Make sure you are set up as a Group Contact for your group. Your Group Contact role will be displayed next to your group. If you are not set up as a Group Contact, email
Click on your group
Click on Members.
Find the name of the person to be given a new role.
Under Operations select Edit member
Check the required roles.
Click save.
Click the View tab to go back to the group page.
When everything is set up, the new role(s) will be displayed on their My Profile page.