
Safety checks & Assessment of risk

Everyone wants to enjoy LALG events and to feel safe.  We have devised some checklists to help people organising activities.  Please take time to read the one most appropriate to your event and adapt it as necessary.  It is a condition of our insurance that organisers have thought about the risks and done their best to manage them. The checklist enables you to do that. If an incident occurs during your event you will need to complete an Incident Report form and alert the LALG secretary at

General safety checks


In advance/before arrival

If it happens

Unusual or extreme weather conditions

Monitor weather forecast; cancel or postpone trip in extreme conditions 

Have drinking water available

Consider abandoning visit

Minor injuries (eg cuts, bruises, stings)

Consider carrying a small first aid kit

Refer injured person to destination’s first aider, coach driver or a pharmacy 

Serious injury/illness needing ambulance (individuals are responsible for informing others if they may need assistance eg they carry an epi-pen)

Trip organiser to have everyone’s name and contact details and plan what to do if someone is unable to continue or return with the party

Trip organiser to carry mobile phone and liaise with emergency and destination’s staff

Implement plan as appropriate

Damage to property or environment


Trip organiser to warn individual or destination’s staff, as appropriate

Major incident at destination

Trip organiser to give out their mobile number for the day

Trip organiser to have everyone’s name and contact details

Organiser may carry a backup battery for mobile devices

Follow destination’s procedures

Trip organiser to carry mobile phone to contact coach driver should an alternative pick-up location be necessary

Trip organiser to check everyone accounted for

Lost property (people are responsible for their own belongings)


Trip organiser to give the individual the destination’s/coach company’s contact details

Lost person

Trip organiser to give out their mobile number for the day

Trip organiser to plan what to do if a lost person does not make contact

Take vulnerable people only if accompanied by a responsible adult

Inform destination’s staff and follow their procedures

Implement plan as appropriate

Mobility/health issues

Ask travellers if they have any mobility or health issues which could impact on the day

Allocate seat near coach front if mobility issues

Ensure traveller explains how to use epipen etc

Create plan for serious cases

Carry out traveller’s requests if safe and reasonable to do so

Carry out pre-prepared plan

Hazards at destination

Contact destination in advance and check access, facilities etc and ensure travellers aware


There are a number of LALG cycling groups, completing many different types of rides so this guidance may need adapting to suit particular rides  / situations.

It is important that all cyclists, for the safety of themselves and others, are familiar with the Highway Code. The pages relevant are the ‘Rules for Cyclists’, pages 59 - 82. recently published an informative article on the hierarchy of road users and the responsibilities of drivers, cyclists, pedestrians and horse riders.


•   It is the responsibility of all cyclists to prepare themselves for the ride that they are undertaking - including personal fitness, equipment, clothing and suitable refreshments.

•   All cyclists are responsible to make sure their bike is roadworthy - to inspect their bike prior to each ride paying particular attention to brakes, frame, steering, pedals, wheels, lights & tyres.

•   All cyclists should carry a method of tyre inflation, a spare inner tube, a multi-tyre changing tool and it is advisable to wear an approved safety helmet.

•   If the cyclist is unsure of his / her capabilities to complete the ride, or has any other concerns, it is their responsibility to contact the ride leader prior to the day of the ride.

•   All cyclists are expected to stay as a group, to warn others of approaching vehicles and hazards using known calls and be considerate to others within and outside the group.

•   At the completion of the ride, riders should raise any issues, concerns and, just as important, aspects of the ride that went well. Riders should bring to the attention of the leader any accidents and near misses, if this hasn’t been done during the ride.

Ride Leaders

It is the responsibility of ride leaders to:

Before the ride:

•   Plan the route to suit the particular cycling group and to investigate the length, timing, terrain and possible obstacles.

•   Provide the ‘Group Contact’ with details of the ride for publication in the newsletter.         

At the start of the ride:

•  Clarify the ride leader & any other rider with specific responsibilities (ie tail).

•  Provide an overview of the route, stopping points, duration & distance - including any known route hazards.

•  Any new rider should be introduced to the ride leader & consideration should be given to allocating a chaperone / mentor for the ride.

•  A reminder of the standard hand signals & calls used within the group.

•   Count the group and signal the start of the ride.

During the ride:

•   Ride at a speed at which you and the group are competent / confident.  

•   Should the need to stop arise (e.g puncture, breakdown) then a place must be found sufficiently off road to allow safe passage of traffic.

•   Assess the problem & decide whether to hold up the ride or leave the affected rider with helpers and details of the route to the next stop.

•   Concentrate at all times & anticipate changing road conditions.

•   Stop at convenient intervals to allow for refreshments and to check the welfare of all


At the end of the ride:

•   Conduct a debrief where riders should be encouraged to raise any issues, concerns and, just as important, aspects of the ride that went well.

•   Report all incidents to the LALG Secretary ( as soon as possible using the Incident Report form on the web site.

Further information

•   In order to be covered by LALG insurance rides should be recognised as official LALG events - they should be advertised in the regular LALG newsletter, organised by or with the agreement of the group contact and participants should all be current members.

•   Any non LALG members participating on the ride should be encouraged to join.

Further reference / guidance click on: - the-m-check-for-your-bike-in-11-steps

Steve Green   July 2018

There are a number of LALG walking groups, completing many different types of walks so this guidance may need adapting to suit particular walks / situations.  


  • It is the responsibility of all walkers to prepare themselves for the walk that they are undertaking - including personal fitness, equipment, clothing and suitable refreshments.
  • If the walker is unsure of his / her capabilities to complete the walk, or has any other concerns, it is their responsibility to contact the walk leader prior to the day of the walk.
  • All walkers are expected to stay as a group and be considerate to others within and outside the group.

Walk Leaders

It is the responsibility of walk leaders to:

Before the walk:

  • Plan the route to suit the particular walking group and to investigate the length, timing, terrain and possible obstacles.
  • Provide the ‘Group Contact’ with details of the walk for publication in the newsletter.
  • Whether or not you recce the route beforehand (recommended), take account of critical navigation points, hazards and possible problems. Timings, rest and toilet stops and access restrictions should be checked, adjusting the route if necessary.
  • The day before the walk check the weather forecast, and if required review the route and be prepared to cancel if necessary.

At the start of the walk:

  • Introduce each other and appoint a back marker if possible.
  • Outline the route, estimated distance, finishing time and points of interest.
  • Count the group and signal the start of the walk.

During the walk:                                                                                                       

  • Warn walkers on approaching a road, keep all of the group together - especially at stiles, on inclines and any other difficult parts of the walk.
  • Check on the back marker, if appointed, and the number in the group as appropriate.
  • On any hill walks there should be a minimum of 4 walkers.

At the end of the walk:

  • Conduct a debrief on how well the walk went, identifying any incidents and near misses if this hasn’t been done during the walk.
  • Report all incidents to the LALG Secretary ( as soon as possible using the Incident Report form.

Further information

  • In order to be covered by LALG insurance walks should be recognised as official LALG events - they should be advertised in the regular LALG newsletter, organised by or with the agreement of the group contact and participants should all be current members.
  • Any non LALG members participating on the walk should be encouraged to join.

Further reference / guidance:

Steve Green   August 2018                 This information is also shown at under Safety - Walking

It is a requirement of LALG insurance that the organiser of any event has thought about potential problems and planned for them.

This checklist identifies some problems that may occur and how to deal with them. There may be additional ones for specific events.

Check the other items in All Safety Guidance.


Who might be harmed and how

Actions to take in advance

If it happens

Accommodation/ facilities/key personnel

Venue becomes unavailable


Pay deposit on time

Check a few days before event that all is in order

Find alternative venue

Or cancel the event and:

Post notice on hall door

Contact LALG publicity to tell people via website and social media

Tell Discover Letchworth if they have sold tickets

If you have contact email/phone for attendees send them a message

Key facilities at venue are unavailable


Check a few days in advance that all is in order

Organise alternative provision

Or cancel the event - as above

Speaker/band/quiz master etc becomes unavailable


Check a few days in advance that all is in order


Find an alternative

Or cancel the event - as above

Incident at accommodation eg fire alarm


Check premises evacuation procedures and know where meeting point is

Have emergency contact number for venue manager

Tell participants what to do in case of emergency

Ensure venue is safely evacuated

Call Emergency Services if needed

Inform venue manager

Unusual or extreme weather conditions


Consider taking event cancellation insurance

Monitor weather forecast

Agree with team when decision to cancel/go ahead should be taken

Organiser to obtain everyone’s mobile phone number or email

Make timely decision to go ahead or cancel – as above

Injury and illness



Attendees are responsible for their own personal insurance – as notified on website/newsletter


Minor injuries (eg cuts, bruises, stings)



Offer first aid kit and find quiet place for injury to be treated in consultation with person or their companion

Consider making incident report to Secretary of LALG

Trips and sprains


Check before event starts that there are no trip hazards

Point out any uneven floors, taped wires, steps etc to participants

Serious injury/illness needing ambulance/




Dial 999 and call emergency services

Make incident report to Secretary of LALG

Damage to property or environment



LALG has third party insurance but individuals are responsible for their own insurance

Organiser to claim on LALG insurance, as appropriate

Complete incident report form

People at risk


Individual/  organiser

Understand the requirements when running events including children/young people/adults at risk

Notify LALG committee safeguarding officer and complete incident report form


Event loses money


Budget for realistic number of people

Have cancellation policy

Consider cancellation insurance

Understand commitments to venue and speakers etc

Cancel event if insufficient people


Trip makes money


Budget for realistic number of people

Surplus to be returned to LALG or to the group organising the event

Risk assessment when travelling by coach


In advance / before arrival

If it happens

Coach does not turn up

Book a reputable company

Organiser to carry mobile phone and coach company’s number

Coach breaks down

Book a reputable company

Coach driver to make alternative arrangements

Coach is involved in an accident

Book a reputable company

Follow driver’s instructions. 

If driver incapacitated then trip organiser to move people to place of safety and call coach company and/or emergency services, as appropriate.

Coach driver is taken ill


Organiser to contact coach company, plus emergency services if appropriate

Travel sickness

Anyone saying they are travel sick should have a seat reserved near the front of the coach

Check where bowl is stored on coach

Ask driver to stop at a safe place if necessary

Provide wipes, water

Risk assessment when travelling by public transport


In advance / before arrival

If it happens

Bus or train cancelled or delayed significantly

Have a contact person for each place that people are departing from

Contact people and agree new arrangements



Advise people not to stand or walk too close to the edge of the road/platform.

Advise people to sit down if seats are available and remain seated until bus/train stops

Follow bus/railway employee’s or emergency services’ direction

Travel using car sharing


In advance / before arrival

If it happens

Car discovered to not be road worthy, or driving not of appropriate standard

Presume all cars are taxed, insured and road worthy, and that drivers are of an appropriate standard

Reallocate passengers to another car; if insufficient room then trip organiser to be aware of public transport options, or to carry mobile phone, number of local taxi company and enough money to lend individual to get home

Inform LALG secretary so other organisers can be made aware

Car breaks down

Trip organiser to give mobile number to all drivers

Reallocate passengers to another car; if insufficient room then trip organiser to be aware of public transport options, or to carry mobile phone and number of local taxi company

This document brings together information found elsewhere in the safety guidance to provide a comprehensive assessment of risk.  It can be printed off as a word document and adapted for use as a template for your own activity.

Background to trip - The organisers of the trips take LALG members and non-members to London by public transport for pre-arranged guided tours at places of interest.

Hazard Who might be harmed and how Actions to take in advance If it happens


Meeting point unclear

All - do not rendezvous at correct place

Send instructions in advance specifying meeting point and alternatives

Individuals are responsible for arriving at the meeting place at the given time

Organiser(s) to carry mobile phone

Consider having a LALG sign

Public transport disrupted

All, disruption may be complete or only affect some travellers

Have access to timetable and alternative routes if possible

Carry contact number for venue

Alert people joining elsewhere of the problem

Find alternative route

If severe cancel trip and tell venue

Unusual or extreme weather conditions


Monitor weather forecast

Organiser to obtain everyone’s mobile phone number

Have drinking water available

Injury and illness

Serious injury/illness needing ambulance/accident



Inform travellers they are responsible for their own insurance

Organiser to carry mobile phone and liaise with emergency services and destination’s staff as necessary

Make alternative arrangements for anyone unable to continue or return with the party

Minor injuries (eg cuts, bruises, stings)


Consider carrying small first aid kit (which people utilise at their own risk)

Refer injured person to destination’s first aider or a pharmacy




Inform venue

Known medical issues


Individual to complete form in advance if there are medical issues the organisers should be aware of

Carry out agreed action


None available


Be clear whether food and drink is provided and where it can be bought

Build in enough refreshment breaks

Ask guide to identify where food/drink may be purchased and to allow time for it to be consumed

Food (if provided) not of reasonable standard


Book a reputable venue

Complain to management and get improvement

Eat elsewhere and get refund

Special needs not met


Book a reputable venue

Individual to tell in advance of any dietary requirements

Organisers to tell venue

Incident at accommodation eg fire alarm


Book a reputable venue

Follow venue procedures

Comfort breaks

Need to use toilet


Make sure venue/guide builds enough time into programme and knows where toilets are located

Find nearest toilet

Make sure rendezvous point is known


Tickets not ready for collection


Tickets purchased in advance and collection arrangements agreed

Organiser to remind venue a couple of days before travelling

Organiser to ensure takes credit card used to purchase tickets

Wait until tickets ready

Tickets lost


Organisers collect tickets on arrival and distribute immediately

For the individual to pursue

Damage to property or environment or accident



Travellers informed in advance that they must arrange their own insurance for all aspects of the trip

LALG insurance  covers………

Trip organiser to warn individual or destination’s staff, as appropriate

Individual to pursue, or organiser to claim on LALG insurance, as appropriate



Travellers informed in advance that they must arrange their own insurance for all aspects of the trip

Organiser to give the individual the venue’s contact details

Lost person



Organiser to provide their mobile number

If lost person cannot be contacted organiser to take rest of group home as agreed (eg utilising off peak travel)

Implement plan


Trip loses money


Budget for realistic number of people

Non-returnable deposit to cover all fixed costs apart from accommodation

Balance to be paid within venue cancellation period

Warn people there may be a small surcharge

Cancel trip if insufficient people

Apply surcharge

Trip makes money


Budget for realistic number of people

Make contribution to organisers’ costs

Give refund and/or donation to venue depending on amount

Carry forward surplus to next trip

Donate to LALG central funds

This link enables the LALG Incident Report form to be downloaded. It is a Word .docx template and so can be completed electronically.