There are three options.
1. Use the LALG Event Booking System
This requires people to pay online when they book and provides for the issue of automatic reminder emails prior to the event. Access the system and details of how to use it at LALG Event booking system.
2. Use David’s Bookshop
David's provides a free and highly competent Booking Office service. They can either sell tickets for you or collect names of people interested in a trip. Please help staff by approaching them in good time.
- Agree arrangements with David's before the first publicity of the event.
- Decide if you will issue tickets or if an email confirmation will suffice. Print out enough tickets; a template is available from the Publicity Chair if required. You might wish to number the tickets.
- Include the member and non-member prices.
- Provide a Booking sheet and details of the event, refund conditions/deadline and a contact number for staff in case of questions. Have columns for the number of tickets sold, the buyer’s name, contact information, their membership number and amount paid. Make clear any non-member tickets sold.
- David’s do not take money by debit or credit cards or equivalent; a cheque is preferred. Cheques should have the event name written on the back.
- If you agree to accept cash, provide David’s with an agreed and appropriate float in a clearly marked pot.
- Periodically call at David’s with ID to collect the takings and ask for a copy of bookings so far. Please let them know the day before so that they can be ready.
- Pass takings to the LALG Treasurer if applicable.
Collecting Names
You can also use David’s to collect names of people potentially interested in an activity.
- Agree arrangements before the first publicity of the event.
- Provide a Booking sheet, with details of the event, and a contact number for David's staff in case of questions.
- Make sure that you ask for Member’s details, so you can contact them to advise if the event is happening.
3. Do it yourself
- Give participants your preferred contact details, email is usually best as you have a record.
- Keep a list of participants. There is a prepared form you can use at Booking sheet.
- Agree how payment will be made. If you are handling money personally consider a separate bank account or make sure you can identify money from members. Keep a record of income and expenditure.
- Decide if you will issue tickets or if a confirmatory email will suffice.
- Be clear about booking terms and if refunds will be given and under what circumstances.
- Agree what reminder emails will be sent to confirm arrangements closer to the date.