
This guidance covers instructions on how to add content to the LALG website.

In order to add content to a group page, you need to be a Content Editor.

To become a content editor for your group, register and login to the website, subscribe to your group and contact: or your Group contact.

Log into the website and check that you are set up as a content editor for the group you wish to edit. If you are not contact your group contact or the web editors.

Group table

From the My Profile page, click on the group you wish to edit.

Click on the Edit to edit the group page.

The Group Icon, group name and Alternative text are set up by the web editors when the group is formed, so there is no need to alter these.

Group Type is the category the group is assigned, again set up by the web editors so no need to change.

Description section is like a mini word with standard tools such as copy and paste, bold italic etc. To change or add text to the group page just type!

Scroll to the bottom of the page

Click Save.

Log onto the website and check you are set up as a Content Editor for your group.


From the My Profile page, click on the group you wish to edit.

To add a single event follow the steps below:

  1. Click on to Event under the [Create new group content] box on the right hand side of the group page.

create new group table

  1. Add an Admin Title for the new event, this title is not displayed.
  2. Add a Series Title (can be the same as the Admin Title).
  3. Add a Series Description.
  4. Add booking Details if required.
  5. Change Series Contact Details if required. Default is set to "see Group contact"
  6. Under recur Type select Custom Single Event.
  7. Enter the Start date and time.
  8. Enter End date and time. If this is not required set it to be the same as the start date and time - then it will not appear
  9. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.

The event will now appear on the group page and in the calendar.

To edit an existing event (instance)

  1. Add a title for the new instance, this will override the current title (e.g. meeting).
  2. The start date and time are already entered for this instance.
  3. Add an Instance Description for the event.
  4. Add Instance Booking Details and Contact details if required.
  5. Scroll to the bottom and click save.
  6. Click on the group link to return to the group page.
  7. The event is now added to the page and is also in the calendar

Multiple events can be set up on the Group pages. They can be at Weekly, fortnightly etc., or Monthly by day of the month or date of the month.

  1. From your group page, click Event
  2. Add an Admin title for the new event, this title is not displayed.
  3. Series Title is set to "Meeting" which will be the title for each instance. Individual instances can be changed later.
  4. Add a Series Description
  5. Add Series Booking Details if required.
  6. Series Contact Details is set to "See Group Contact"
  7. Under Recur Type select
  8. Weekly Events
    1. Set the Interval as required. Default set at 2 i.e fortnightly.
    2. Set Create Events Between dates
    3. Set Event Start Time and set Duration or End time (If the end time is not required set it to be the same as the start date and time - then it will not appear)
    4. Select days of the week
    5. Exclude any dates
  9. Monthly Events 
    1. Set Create Events Between dates
    2. Set Event Start Time and set Duration or End time (If the end time is not required set it to be the same as the start date and time - then it will not appear)
    3. Event Recurrence Schedule Select day of the week or month
    4. Exclude any dates
  10. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click Save
  11. The events will be displayed on the group page and on the calendar. Events within the next few days will also appear on the front page.

To edit an existing series of events

  1. Click on one of the events and click the edit tab
  2. Click the "Edit the series" link at top of page under Data Inheritance

Edit the series arrow

   3.  The details of the series are now displayed. You can edit any of the details including the Create Events Between dates to extend the series.

   4.  Click save at the bottom of the form.

   5.  Confirm Date Changes if required.

confirm date changes

 6.  A summary of your changes will be displayed, click on the group name to return to the group page.

An article is the best place to store and share information on your group’s  web page. For example it may be an account about a recent activity or perhaps details on the books or information the group recommends.

From your My Profile page, click on the group you wish to edit.

To add an article follow the steps below:

  1. Click on to Article under the [Create new group content] box on the right hand side of the group page.

adding an Article

  1. Add a title for the new Article.
  2. Add a description.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.

The Article is now displayed on the group page and subscribers will see the new article on their My Profile page.

To add an image inside the Editor window:

Have a suitable image stored on your computer. The image needs to be free of copyright. If the image contains people or personal data you will need their consent.

  1. Create a new item (an event, or article) or open the item in edit mode.
  2. Click where you want the image to be inserted.
  3. Click on the upload file icon

editor toolbar

  1. Select your image. The alternative text toolbar open

Alternate text box

  1. Add some alternative text and click the green tick. It is important to add some alternative text or set as decorative.
  2. The image toolbar will be displayed above or below your image.
     image toolbar
  3. Hover over the icons will name the tools, the first tool for example, will access the alternative text menu, other tools will change the text wrapping.
  4. Resize image on the page as necessary by dragging image from bottom right. The percentage will then be displayed under Original on the toolbar.
  5. The final tool will add a link to your image.
  6. To delete an image, click on it and press the Delete key on your keyboard. [Ctrl X (cut) will also delete the image, but would also put the image on your clipboard.]
  7. Don't forget to SAVE your work when you have finished editing.

To add an html link to my pages:

  1. Copy the URL you wish to add (for example
  2. Pasting the link directly into the editor will work but it is better to use some descriptive text, particularly if it is a long URL
  3. Type your descriptive text (e.g. BBC website)
  4. Highlight the text and click the link icon

  Adding a Link

5. Paste (press Control + V) or type in the URL

6. Click Save

7.Scroll to the bottom of the page and save your work.

Controlling what is displayed via Summary Text.

On the group page long articles are automatically trimmed and a read more button is added. You can control the amount of trimmed text displayed by adding some summary text.

Adding a Summary

  1. Edit the article
  2. Click Edit summary


  1. Copy some text or type in some new text.
  2. Scroll to the bottom and click Save.
  3. Click on the group link to see your work.

This shows how to add an image so that it can be enlarged when it is “clicked”.

Your image needs to be less than 10MB in size and be a png, gif, (jpg) or jpeg image.

Make sure you know the location of your image on your computer and that it has a suitable name.

  1. Open and Edit the Article, or create a new article.
  2. Scroll down to the “Click on an image to show larger” section.
    Click larger dialog box
  3. Choose Files, select your image and click Open.
  4. Add suitable Alternative text and a Title.
  5. Scroll down and click Save.
  6. Click on the image to admire your work.

Files including image and document files can be added to your group page. For example you might want to add a pdf document with instructions or a photo to share.

Before visitors to your page can download these files, you need to upload it to the page. Your Group page and articles can have download files.

  1. From the edit screen scroll down to Downloads
  2. Choose Browse and navigate to your file.
  3. Select your file and click open
  4. Add a suitable description.
  5. Add more files as required.
  6. Don’t forget to click save.

A link to your file will now be displayed.

Only the Web Editing team can add a group to the website. If you would like to start a new group contact the Group Support team.

  1. From Editors Menu – Create content
  2. Create Group
  3. Add Title
  4. Add Group icon image and type suitable Alt text
  5. Select Group Type - e.g. General
  6. Type a description
  7. Add contact details
  8. If Walking or Cycling group add keyword else leave blank.
  9. Add URL starting with a /