Safety - Trips and transport

General safety checks


In advance/before arrival

If it happens

Unusual or extreme weather conditions

Monitor weather forecast; cancel or postpone trip in extreme conditions 

Have drinking water available

Consider abandoning visit

Minor injuries (eg cuts, bruises, stings)

Consider carrying a small first aid kit

Refer injured person to destination’s first aider, coach driver or a pharmacy 

Serious injury/illness needing ambulance (individuals are responsible for informing others if they may need assistance eg they carry an epi-pen)

Trip organiser to have everyone’s name and contact details and plan what to do if someone is unable to continue or return with the party

Trip organiser to carry mobile phone and liaise with emergency and destination’s staff

Implement plan as appropriate

Damage to property or environment


Trip organiser to warn individual or destination’s staff, as appropriate

Major incident at destination

Trip organiser to give out their mobile number for the day

Trip organiser to have everyone’s name and contact details

Organiser may carry a backup battery for mobile devices

Follow destination’s procedures

Trip organiser to carry mobile phone to contact coach driver should an alternative pick-up location be necessary

Trip organiser to check everyone accounted for

Lost property (people are responsible for their own belongings)


Trip organiser to give the individual the destination’s/coach company’s contact details

Lost person

Trip organiser to give out their mobile number for the day

Trip organiser to plan what to do if a lost person does not make contact

Take vulnerable people only if accompanied by a responsible adult

Inform destination’s staff and follow their procedures

Implement plan as appropriate

Mobility/health issues

Ask travellers if they have any mobility or health issues which could impact on the day

Allocate seat near coach front if mobility issues

Ensure traveller explains how to use epipen etc

Create plan for serious cases

Carry out traveller’s requests if safe and reasonable to do so

Carry out pre-prepared plan

Hazards at destination

Contact destination in advance and check access, facilities etc and ensure travellers aware