Shillington - Bedfordshire

Thursday 21st February

Our ride yesterday was a short ride to Shillington and the Musgrave Arms for lunch. The main group did the usual ride there and back with a short clockwise loop around the Shillington area as we were running early. Some others did variations on a theme. An excellent turnout of 16 members meeting for lunch. The 16 being Peter, Adrian, Mick, Mick L, Paul, David R, Anne, John, Paul W, Briget, Gill, Geoff the mountain bike, David & Sandra, myself and our rides organiser Geoff. Also, Angie met us for coffee before we set off from Wetherspoons. The food at the Musgrave Arms overall had deteriorated since we were last there but it was an enjoyable event socially. Not to mention Brexit and ISIS. The weather was overcast on our outward journey with a little headwind from time to time. On our return, the sun had come out. My mileage was 22 at an average of 11.