Writing timetable 2024

Meeting date 2024 

We meet on the first Tuesday of the month. We meet by Zoom at 7.30pm, and the Zoom address is sent round beforehand.

Writing theme and notes

A piece of writing can be a poem/group of poems, a story, a play, an essay, fiction or non-fiction, a chapter from a longer story, letters, or anything else you want to write. You can use the theme to inspire you or focus on your own work. Any of your writing is welcome.

9th January

The preparations

6th February

Hero’s journey

5th March

A day in her life

2nd April

The guitar player

7th May

Walking in the dark

4th June

As if by chance

2nd July

The last time

6th August

New day dawning

3rd September

In that moment

1st October


5th November

The party

3rd December

Food and drink


Meetings start promptly at 7:30. We may have a short writing exercise or a discussion about an aspect of writing. Authors read their work aloud (if they want to) and we discuss each other’s work. All welcome! We charge a £15/year subs per to cover the cost of our independent website, our annual anthology and any competitions. The suggested deadline to share your work with the group is one week-ish prior to the meeting, giving everyone a chance to read and enjoy it. We look forward to seeing you!

Questions? Ideas? Suggestions?
Email diana@diananewson.co.uk