Annual In-person Quiz

This light-hearted general knowledge quiz returns in-person, organised by LALG’s Social Team. Bring your own snacks, drinks and glasses, plus food to eat in the interval if you wish.

Tickets cost £36 per team of no more than 6 people. Alternatively, if you are a LALG member and want to come on your own or as a pair £6pp), please contact LALG's Quiz Team group ( as they will be making up teams.
Doors open 7pm ready for a prompt start at 7.30pm in the Kincaid Hall, the Settlement, Nevells Road, Letchworth SG6 4UB.


Click on the Booking details link that follows. Depending on your card provider, it may ask you to authorise payment of £0 - continue with the booking and the correct amount will be deducted on the next screen. Don't forget to click on the final acceptance button - don't stop when the payment is approved.

Booking details