Talk: Great Exhibition

We had an excellent talk by Richard Watkins about The Great Exhibition of 1851.

He gave us a fascinating tour of the site, an insight into its creation and some human stories which kept us all enthralled for over an hour.

After this Talk we received the following from Richard:

Here are the links to the web sites containing images from the Dickenson's collection and others of the Great Exhibition: on the Victoria and Albert museum website:;

and the Royal Collection Trust:

The daily opening times of the Great Exhibition were from 10am (12pm on Saturdays) - 6pm.

Finally, I have a number of virtual tours / talks coming up on Footprints of London on subjects ranging from the Swinging Sixties (6pm tomorrow) to the restoration in the 1660s, and the history of immigration into Soho and burning down of the medieval houses of parliament.  People can book for only £5 at: