Results of LALG Annual Survey 2019

LALG Annual Survey 2019 – Results


There were only 51 responses this year; 66 last year. This is a disappointing response rate and not statistically reliable. The committee will consider how to increase the response rate next year.


1. How often do you participate in LALG activities?

49% once a week or more; 27% once a month; 12% once in 3 months; 12% even less. Last year these figures were 32%; 37%; 9%; 22%

There is a continuing trend for respondents to make more frequent use of their membership with almost half participating at least weekly.


2a. LALG events are generally well organised on a scale of 1 to 5

This shows an improvement on 2018; this year a score of 4 or 5 was given by all but 2 of the respondents.


2b. I am made to feel welcome at LALG events; on a scale of 1 to 5

This year one respondent reported that they were not made welcome but responses averaged 4.6 out of 5; last year’s average was 4.4 out of 5.


2c. LALG subscription is good value for money on a scale of 1 to 5.

This year’s respondents expressed a slightly higher rate of satisfaction regarding value for money. 88% gave full marks; this was 81% last year.


2d. The range of activities meets my needs, on a scale of 1 to 5

This year’s respondents expressed a slightly higher rate of satisfaction regarding the range of activities on offer.

59% scored 5; 29% scored 4; 4% scored 3; 8% scored 2.

Last year these figures were 56%; 25%; 11%; 8%.


2e. I would recommend LALG to a friend on a scale of 1 to 5.

This year, as last year, 96% of respondents answered 4 or 5 out of 5 for being happy to recommend LALG to a friend or colleague.


3. Do you go to Members Monthly Open meetings at the Settlement?

This year a 6% said they almost always go; this was 5% last year. 61% said they never go; this was over 70% last year.


4. What would encourage you to attend?

25% were not available on Monday mornings; 50% said their decision was affected by the choice of speaker(s). These were 23% and 40% last year.


5. Suggestions for outings

16 suggestions have been shared with the relevant LALG trip organisers.


6. Suggestions for other local businesses to offer discounts to members

Seven ideas have been passed to the discounts team to follow up.


7. Suggestions for new groups

Four suggestions have been passed to the New Groups team.


8. Suggestions for duplicates groups where the original is full.

Three suggestions have been passed to the New Groups team.


9. Any other suggestions for improving LALG.

Two of the four suggestions focused on the need to attract and retain younger members without making them feel ‘special’. The committee is going to focus on this in 2020.


10. Volunteering to help LALG.

Several volunteers came forward. These have all been contacted and many are now helping with activities.


The committee will use this feedback to support groups and help to make improvements where possible.