Durham Visit (time tbc)


Time information is to be confirmed.

Booking for this trip is now open.
This will now be a three-day trip.
We will travel by train, arriving in time for lunch in the Market Square, with a conducted tour of the much renowned Durham Cathedral in the afternoon. There will be opportunities to visit the Castle and University buildings on the promontory and walk the paths overlooking the River Wear.

On day 2 (Wednesday) there will be two options – see more of the sights of Durham, such as Crook Hall (National Trust) and the Durham University Botanic Garden; or visit Beamish (the living museum of the North), a 20-minute drive by shared taxi from Durham (see www.beamish.org.uk for full details of what is on offer).
The cost for travel and accommodation is likely to be around £320 for a couple – £45 per person extra for those going to Beamish (entrance fee plus travel). Further details on request to the group contact.

These visits will be by train, staying overnight at the Premier Inn in the centre of the city. We would be in a small group – not more than 16.
Future visits: We can do so much more if we all take it in turns to run a trip, perhaps in pairs.

Contact Details

See Group Contact.