
This policy is intended to guide newsletter editors, the publicity team and other LALG members when considering a request for paid or unpaid advertising in any medium or channel used by LALG.

The LALG Chairman has final responsibility for all advertising and will ensure compliance with the letter and spirit of this policy.

Purpose of advertising

1.    To inform members of activities which complement LALG activities.

2.    To acknowledge those providing services to LALG e.g. distributing emails or printing.

3.    To raise revenue.


1.    Linked organisations and other suitable leisure providers.

2.    Traders accepted into the LALG discount scheme.

3.    Any other person or organisation accepted by the chairman or a majority of the committee.

Locations of advertisements


1.    Advertising is accepted in the newsletter subject to space being available.

2.    There will generally be a maximum of four pages of advertising per newsletter.

3.    Priority will be given to entries regarding LALG activities.


1.    Advertisements appearing in the newsletter will be reproduced in the online version at no additional charge.

2.    Associated groups and discount providers will be listed without charge.

3.    Links may be provided without charge to websites of other groups which bear a relation to the aims and objectives of LALG.

4.    Apart from the above cases it is not current policy to publish advertising on the website.

Emails, posters and leaflets

1.    These may carry simple acknowledgements of sponsors or collaborators at no charge.

Content and Style

All advertisements published by LALG will:

1.    Be written in plain, respectful language,

2.    Bear a relation to the aims and objectives of LALG,

3.    Not contain political, religious or offensive material.

Charging policy

1.    The committee will set advertising rates for non-profit and commercial advertisers.

2.    The advertising rates will be reviewed annually.

3.    Any individual application for a reduced advertising rate will be considered by the committee.


Review date: July 2022 

This policy was approved by the Committee, and signed by the Chairman at its meeting on 31 July 2019.